Troop 119 Sign-Up For Events

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We are going to Maumee Scout Reservation, Huron Campsite (east ridge). Once you pass the Maumee gate there is a road that heads back on the left (you may need to turn around at the ranger's house and then drive back. Keep going down the ridge until you reach the last campsite on the left. That will be Huron Campsite. Note... if it has rained recently, don't drive on the grass. There are places to turn around without making ruts. The troop will be charged for any ruts made. 

$10/scout which should cover food (depending on what their patrol decides to cook). We will be patrol cooking that weekend.

Fishing, camping, first aid will be the skills learned. They are also doing a conservation project. Please make sure the scouts bring gloves and jeans.

Class A shirts required for flag raising. Please make sure your scout brings his. 

Muzzleloader Shoot Camporee - Oct 1-3 Friendship, IN

Fall Council Camporee - Oct 8-10 Hanover College