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As much time as they want 🙂

But seriously… The major commitment we ask the boys is to make sure and come to the meetings on Monday nights from 7p to 8:30p. We have scouts in other activities such as band, soccer, basketball, and swimming. We try to keep things interesting and fun where the boys want to be there. Campouts are a time where we can get a significant amount of rank requirements and skills taught and signed off. Some merit badges require time camping or on overnight trips.

  • Campouts are not mandatory but encouraged: (on average) 1 time a month. Friday night to Sunday morning.
  • Fundraisers: Most are not mandatory but encouraged. This is how we make activities cheaper: 4-5 times a year
  • Service Projects: These promote the “do a good turn daily” and shows that the scouts are also about serving others. These are usually seasonal or a part of a rank requirement. 4-6 projects a year which could be at the minimum of 1 hour.
  • Eagle Projects: These are highly encouraged to attend as the troop shows willingness to support one of their own in achieving his Eagle Scout rank. Averages 1-2 a year. Can be a minimum of an hour or as many as 6.
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