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We always try to find ways of making things economical.

The Troop either pays or assists is paying for many things such as:

  • Awards, Ribbons, Merit Badges, Rank patches, Uniform Neckerchief, Slide and Epilets.
  • At times pay for travel costs or camping fees
  • Provide registration fees for leadership training
  • Purchase Items for the Annual End of the Year Scout Auction (Over $1000)

We do this through:

  • Fundraisers: We have several events throughout the year where the boys who participate get an equal share in what money was raised or through selling Boy Scout Popcorn.
  • Scholarships: Summer Camps and High Adventure programs offer scholarships for those who need financial assistance with event participation.
  • Donations: The troop at times has received generous donations from local area businesses and individuals wanting to encourage scouting.
  • Boy’s Fund: Is a dedicated fund per boy which can be used to help pay for activities or scout related stuff. It is managed by the troop treasurer. Money from fundraisers, selling popcorn and donations are placed into the boy’s account to be used when needed. It is rolled over every year.

Average costs:

  • Annual registration fees to Nationals: $65 (We take $1 a week in escrow to help pay this at the end of the year)
  • The boys are required to provide $1 at each meeting for dues. (Every Monday meeting)
  • $10 for food on a weekend campout (Once a month)
  • $20 for a district camporee registration (Held three times a year)
  • $300 for Summer Camp (Once a year)
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