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Program FAQs
- Program FAQs
- 1. First Three Months
- 2. First 6 MonthsMore
- Firm understanding or troop roles
- A couple service projects under the belt
- 3-4 Campouts under the belt
- Tenderfoot Rank Achieved
- Summer Camp prepped and ready to go
- Track 1: Swimming, First Aid Merit Badge and Fingerprinting
- Track 2: Trail to Eagle (Working on all ranks to 1st class)
- Working on 2nd class requirements
- 3. First YearMore
- Performing smaller troop roles or Patrol Leader/Asst Patrol Leader
- A couple more service projects under the belt
- 8-12 Campouts under the belt
- One long term camp (5 days) under the belt
- 2nd Class Rank Achieved
- Working on 1st class requirements
- A firm grasp of basic scouting skills
- Starting to teach younger scouts
- 4. Second YearMore
- Active Leader in the troop through 1 or more roles
- A couple more service projects under the belt
- Participated in at least 3 Fundraisers
- 15-20 Campouts under the belt
- 1st Class Rank Achieved
- Ready for merit badge weekends and other opportunities (merit badges are now ok for the scout to pursue. The scoutmaster must sign-off on the merit badge blue card before the scout can begin work with a merit badge counselor.
- Summer Camp scheduling of multiple merit badges (This is done with the scoutmaster and the scout to make sure there is a good balance of merit badge and summer camp activities.)
- Track 1: Area oriented list - taking all the badges in that area
- Track 2: Eagle Scout required - focusing on Eagle Scout required merit badges in each area
- Track 3: Scoutmaster Bounties - merit badges focused on specific opportunities at camp.
- Working on Star Rank requirements
- Participated in at least 1 Eagle Scout project.
- Should be ready for a High Adventure trip with the troop.
- 5. Third YearMore
- Active Leader in the troop through 1 or more roles
- Tougher, more mature patrol / troop roles
- A couple more service projects under the belt
- Active teacher/trainer in the troop.
- Participated in at least 6 Fundraisers
- 20-30 Campouts under the belt
- Star Class Rank Achieved (maybe Life Rank at this time)
- Summer Camp scheduling of multiple merit badges (This is done with the scoutmaster and the scout to make sure there is a good balance of merit badge and summer camp activities.)
- Track 1: Area oriented list - taking all the badges in that area
- Track 2: Eagle Scout required - focusing on Eagle Scout required merit badges in each area
- Track 3: Scoutmaster Bounties - merit badges focused on specific opportunities at camp.
- Track 4: Extra programs / activities for older scouts
- Should be going on or planning to go on the next Hight Adventure troop trip.
- Working on Life or Eagle requirements
- Participated in at least 2 Eagle Scout projects
- Starting to think about their own Eagle Scout Project
- Active Leader in the troop through 1 or more roles
- 6. Fourth YearMore
- Active Leader in the troop through 1 or more roles
- Tougher, more mature patrol / troop roles
- Troop Guide
- Participated in at least 10 Fundraisers
- 30-40 Campouts under the belt
- Life Scout Rank Achieved (maybe Eagle at this time)
- Summer Camp scheduling of multiple merit badges (This is done with the scoutmaster and the scout to make sure there is a good balance of merit badge and summer camp activities.)
- Track 1: Area oriented list - taking all the badges in that area
- Track 2: Eagle Scout required - focusing on Eagle Scout required merit badges in each area
- Track 3: Scoutmaster Bounties - merit badges focused on specific opportunities at camp.
- Track 4: Extra programs / activities for older scouts
- Working on Eagle requirements if not already there.
- Worked his own project.
- Participated in at least 1 High Adventure Trip.
- Active Leader in the troop through 1 or more roles
- 7. Fifth YearMore
- Active Leader in the troop through 1 or more roles
- If an Eagle Scout: Will be a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
- If not an Eagle Scout: Will be a troop guide
- Participated in at least 15 Fundraisers
- 40+ Campouts under the belt
- Eagle Scout Achieved or really close
- Summer Camp scheduling of multiple merit badges (This is done with the scoutmaster and the scout to make sure there is a good balance of merit badge and summer camp activities.)
- Track 1: Eagle Palms: Merit badges which the camp offers that the scout doesn't yet have
- Track 2: Extra programs / activities for older scouts
- Working on Eagle requirements if not already there.
- Worked his own project.
- Participated in at least 1 High Adventure Trip.
- Active Leader in the troop through 1 or more roles
- 8. + 5 YearsMore
- Active Leader in the troop through 1 or more roles
- If an Eagle Scout: Will be a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
- If not an Eagle Scout: Will be a troop guide
- Participated in at least 15 Fundraisers
- 40+ Campouts under the belt
- Eagle Scout Achieved or really close
- Summer Camp scheduling of multiple merit badges (This is done with the scoutmaster and the scout to make sure there is a good balance of merit badge and summer camp activities.)
- Track 1: Eagle Palms: Merit badges which the camp offers that the scout doesn't yet have
- Track 2: Extra programs / activities for older scouts
- Working on Eagle requirements if not already there.
- Worked his own project.
- Participated in at least 2 High Adventure Trip.
- Active Leader in the troop through 1 or more roles
Troop Info
- Troop FAQs
- 1. How often does the troop do stuff?More
- We do at least 1 activity a month. (camping preferred but we do also have fundraising events and community events too.)
- We do a big trip every 2 years. Last year a bunch of us went to the Florida Keys to the Boy Scout Seabase for a high adventure trip on a sailboat for several days. 2 years ago we went canoeing @ Boundry Waters Canoe Area - about 5 miles from the Canadian border.
- July 2019 we are planning a trip to Mt. Rushmore
- 2. What kinds of monthly activities are there?More
- Camping
- Fishing
- Archery
- Kayaking
- Tubing
- Caving/Splunking
- Target Shooting
- Hiking
- 3. How often do we do stuff?More
- We do at least 1 camping activity a month. We do also have fundraising events and community events too.
- We do a big trip every 2 years. This year a bunch of us went to the Florida Keys to the Boy Scout Seabase for a high adventure trip on a sailboat for several days. 2 years ago we went canoeing @ Boundry Waters Canoe Area - about 5 miles from the Canadian border.
- July 2019 we are planning a trip to Mt. Rushmore
- 4. How do campouts work with Troop 119?More
We typically meet Friday evenings between 5:30 and 6p at the church. Load up and head out.
- Dinner Friday night is usually eaten either by the time they arrive or packed in with them. The patrol can decide to cook Friday night if they choose.
- Saturday is packed with events, training, and rank advancement skill sign off.
- Sunday is pack up day, eat a quick breakfast, have an optional chapel/devotion service and head back into town. We are usually back between 9:30 and 11am.
- 5. What's with the "Embrace It!" Logo?More
Funny Story....
So the saying goes... "It's not a troop (insert number) campout unless it rains!"
Our story was with a scout who hated to get wet, muddy and bit by mosquitos... I mean really didn't like it. He got thrown into all three within 10 minutes of our High Adventure trip to Boundary Waters. After a bit of grumbling and complaining the scout's attitude was draining on the whole team. One of the adult leaders came up to the scout and said, "Sometimes you just have to embrace the suck and get on with it. We are here for the next 5 days... Lets role." ---- and so our troop motto was born on a slippery granite slope, in the rain with packs and canoes on our backs.
- 6. When and where are troop meetings?More
We meet every Monday night from 7p to 8:30p. Down in the basement of the First United Methodist Church of Ellettsville. Park in the back and head through the back door and go down the stairs... see you there.
[Google_Maps_WD id=7 map=1]
First United Methodist Church of Ellettsville
- 7. What kind of equipment will I need to buy?More
Well... The sky is the limit. A scout is thrifty with all resources. We have a lot of troop equipment that scouts can borrow. At the minimum we ask that the scout has the following for meetings and campouts:
For Meetings:
- A scout handbook
- Pencil/pen/paper
- A class A uniform shirt
- Jeans or shorts with belt loops (athletic clothes for when physical activities dictate)
For Campouts:
- Sleeping bag/sleeping pad/pillow
- Clothes bag along with appropriate clothing for the season
- Flashlight
- Personal Hygiene kit
- Boots/Old shoes
- Rain Poncho
- Water Bottle
- Camp Chair or pad
- Mess kit (Plate, cutlery, cup/mug)
Items that the troop brings:
- Extra Tents
- Stoves
- Canopies
- Cooking equipment (pots, pans, dutch ovens)
- Extra water storage containers
- 8. Who runs the troop?More
Short answer: The boys do. 🙂
As for the adult leaders: Click here for a rundown on our troop adult leadership.
- 9. Are you an all boys or all girls troop?More
We are an all boys troop. Our linked "all girl" troop will be meeting the same time and place as us starting in Feb. Here is their site for more information on their troop.
- 10. Do you have a Troop Program?
- 11. Do You Have A Troop Handbook?
Troop FAQs
- Joining FAQs
- 1. I'm 16. Can I still join scouts or is it too late?More
Not for 2019! With the new ScoutsBSA program any youth 16 years or older as of Feb 1, 2019 will have the ability to stay in scouts until 20 years old. That gives you 4 years to complete the Eagle Scout merit badge. We have a couple scouts who joined when they were older. We have age oriented patrols so the boys have similar interests and work together better. Our outings are great for youth of all ages. Come join the troop and find out!
- 2. How old do you have to be to be in Boys Scouts?More
- At least 11 years old to 17 years old
- There is plenty to learn and do even if you are in high school. We have older scouts just starting out as well.
- 3. How expensive is Scouts?More
We always try to find ways of making things economical.
The Troop either pays or assists is paying for many things such as:
- Awards, Ribbons, Merit Badges, Rank patches, Uniform Neckerchief, Slide and Epilets.
- At times pay for travel costs or camping fees
- Provide registration fees for leadership training
- Purchase Items for the Annual End of the Year Scout Auction (Over $1000)
We do this through:
- Fundraisers: We have several events throughout the year where the boys who participate get an equal share in what money was raised or through selling Boy Scout Popcorn.
- Scholarships: Summer Camps and High Adventure programs offer scholarships for those who need financial assistance with event participation.
- Donations: The troop at times has received generous donations from local area businesses and individuals wanting to encourage scouting.
- Boy's Fund: Is a dedicated fund per boy which can be used to help pay for activities or scout related stuff. It is managed by the troop treasurer. Money from fundraisers, selling popcorn and donations are placed into the boy's account to be used when needed. It is rolled over every year.
Average costs:
- Annual registration fees to Nationals: $65 (We take $1 a week in escrow to help pay this at the end of the year)
- The boys are required to provide $1 at each meeting for dues. (Every Monday meeting)
- $10 for food on a weekend campout (Once a month)
- $20 for a district camporee registration (Held three times a year)
- $300 for Summer Camp (Once a year)
- 4. How much time is required of a scout once he joins?More
As much time as they want 🙂
But seriously... The major commitment we ask the boys is to make sure and come to the meetings on Monday nights from 7p to 8:30p. We have scouts in other activities such as band, soccer, basketball, and swimming. We try to keep things interesting and fun where the boys want to be there. Campouts are a time where we can get a significant amount of rank requirements and skills taught and signed off. Some merit badges require time camping or on overnight trips.
- Campouts are not mandatory but encouraged: (on average) 1 time a month. Friday night to Sunday morning.
- Fundraisers: Most are not mandatory but encouraged. This is how we make activities cheaper: 4-5 times a year
- Service Projects: These promote the "do a good turn daily" and shows that the scouts are also about serving others. These are usually seasonal or a part of a rank requirement. 4-6 projects a year which could be at the minimum of 1 hour.
- Eagle Projects: These are highly encouraged to attend as the troop shows willingness to support one of their own in achieving his Eagle Scout rank. Averages 1-2 a year. Can be a minimum of an hour or as many as 6.
- 5. As a parent am I required to go on all those campouts?More
Nope! 🙂
If you want to go then you must sign up as an adult volunteer and go through the scout's Youth Protection Training Program (about an hour online). Fill out a physical form, and then you are all set.
Currently we typically have 3-4 adult leaders on every campout. We currently are really blessed with a strong parent support system. We can always use your expertise in the troop if you have the time.
- 6. When and where are troop meetings?More
We meet every Monday night from 7p to 8:30p. Down in the basement of the First United Methodist Church of Ellettsville. Park in the back and head through the back door and go down the stairs... see you there.
[Google_Maps_WD id=7 map=1]
First United Methodist Church of Ellettsville
- 7. Who runs the troop?More
Short answer: The boys do. 🙂
As for the adult leaders: Click here for a rundown on our troop adult leadership.
- 8. Are you an all boys or all girls troop?More
We are an all boys troop. Our linked "all girl" troop will be meeting the same time and place as us starting in Feb. Here is their site for more information on their troop.
- 9. Do you have a Troop Program?
- 10. Do You Have A Troop Handbook?
- 11. What kind of equipment will I need to buy?More
Well... The sky is the limit. A scout is thrifty with all resources. We have a lot of troop equipment that scouts can borrow. At the minimum we ask that the scout has the following for meetings and campouts:
For Meetings:
- A scout handbook
- Pencil/pen/paper
- A class A uniform shirt
- Jeans or shorts with belt loops (athletic clothes for when physical activities dictate)
For Campouts:
- Sleeping bag/sleeping pad/pillow
- Clothes bag along with appropriate clothing for the season
- Flashlight
- Personal Hygiene kit
- Boots/Old shoes
- Rain Poncho
- Water Bottle
- Camp Chair or pad
- Mess kit (Plate, cutlery, cup/mug)
Items that the troop brings:
- Extra Tents
- Stoves
- Canopies
- Cooking equipment (pots, pans, dutch ovens)
- Extra water storage containers
- 12. How can I join Troop 119?More
Pretty easy!
There are two ways you can do this.
- Online application (click here for the link)
- You will create an account with
- You will fill out the online application
- The scoutmaster will be notified via email and will be in contact with you to go over the particulars
- You will either need to go to the Hoosier Trails Council office to pay the $33 application fee or will need to coordinate payment with the scoutmaster.
- Come to a scout meeting Monday night.
- Online application (click here for the link)