Do You Have A Troop Handbook?

Yes. We certainly do. We encourage all parents to download this as reference as it goes through how we operate and sets the appropriate expectations for all sorts of things in regards to how we run the program at Troop 119. It is located here.

Do you have a Troop Program?

Yes we do. It is successful since we do have 51 Eagle Scouts and counting for a 50+ year troop! Take a look here for the breakdown of the program.

Are you an all boys or all girls troop?

We are an all boys troop. Our linked “all girl” troop will be meeting the same time and place as us starting in Feb. Here is their site for more information on their troop.

Who runs the troop?

Short answer: The boys do. 🙂 As for the adult leaders: Click here for a rundown on our troop adult leadership.

What kind of equipment will I need to buy?

Well… The sky is the limit. A scout is thrifty with all resources. We have a lot of troop equipment that scouts can borrow. At the minimum we ask that the scout has the following for meetings and campouts: For Meetings: A scout handbook Pencil/pen/paper A class A uniform shirt Jeans or shorts with belt […]

When and where are troop meetings?

We meet every Monday night from 7p to 8:30p. Down in the basement of the First United Methodist Church of Ellettsville. Park in the back and head through the back door and go down the stairs… see you there.

What’s with the “Embrace It!” Logo?

Funny Story…. So the saying goes… “It’s not a troop (insert number) campout unless it rains!” Our story was with a scout who hated to get wet, muddy and bit by mosquitos… I mean really didn’t like it. He got thrown into all three within 10 minutes of our High Adventure trip to Boundary Waters. […]

How do campouts work with Troop 119?

We typically meet Friday evenings between 5:30 and 6p at the church. Load up and head out. Dinner Friday night is usually eaten either by the time they arrive or packed in with them. The patrol can decide to cook Friday night if they choose. Saturday is packed with events, training, and rank advancement skill […]

How often do we do stuff?

We do at least 1 camping activity a month. We do also have fundraising events and community events too. We do a big trip every 2 years. This year a bunch of us went to the Florida Keys to the Boy Scout Seabase for a high adventure trip on a sailboat for several days. 2 […]