Here are the instructions for adding our troop calendar that gets updated periodically by Tony Zizak or Dan Deckard Jr.
ical calendar URL you will need:
For Droid phones (you will need Google Calendar)
Click this link for the easy way…
If you want to set it up in your phone manually you can do this…
This short tutorial shows you how to subscribe to a public iCal Calendar with Google Calendar. First, you need to have the iCal Calendar URL link that you can find on the availability marking page or you can request it from the coach.
- Go to
- On the left side go to “Other Calendars” and click on the dropdown.
- Choose “Add by URL”. The URL
- Enter the URL of the calendar, which you want to subscribe to.
- Click on “Add Calendar” and wait for Google to import your events.
For iPhones:
How to Subscribe to a Calendar in iOS 11
- Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
- Tap Accounts & Passwords.
- Under the Accounts section, tap Add Account.
- Tap Other.
- Under Calendars, tap Add Subscribed Calendar.
- Type in your calendar link in the Server field; to paste in a copied link, tap and hold the field and select Paste.
- Tap Next.
- Use the Description field to give the calendar an easily recognizable name.
- Enter a server username and password if required (most users will be able to skip this step).
- Tap Save.